Mogelijk meer toegang tot culturele content online (en)
The closing event of the Licences for Europe stakeholder dialogue, brokered by the European Commission, took place on 13 November in Brussels.
The dialogue was jointly led by Commissioners Michel Barnier (Internal Market and Services), Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda) and Androulla Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth).
At yesterday’s final plenary meeting, Licences for Europe participants made pledges [65 KB] to overcome problems European citizens may face in four areas:
-cross-border access and portability of services;
-user-generated content and micro-licensing;
-audiovisual heritage and text and data mining.
Solutions presented yesterday will address issues that consumers, right holders, service-providers, and end-users face on a daily basis. When implemented, these commitments will provide important added value as they will have a real impact on the availability and accessibility of cultural content online.
You may find more information here [88 KB] and in the webpage of Licenses for Europe