EU en Georgië bespreken volgende stap op weg naar associatieverdrag (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 november 2013.

European Commission


Brussels, 14 November 2013

EU-Georgia: About initialling of Association Agreement and steps after Vilnius

Preparations for the initialling of the Association Agreement with Georgia and reforms necessary to implement it were the main topics of the discussion between Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle and Minister of Foreign Affairs Maja Panjikidze in Brussels on Thursday. They agreed that after the initialling of the Association Agreement at the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius at the end of this month, the focus will shift to the importance of Georgia remaining on track for the signature of this agreement next year and continue with reforms needed for its implementation.

They also discussed the recent presidential elections which have marked further progress on Georgia's democratic credentials. With the period of cohabitation between president and prime minister from different political camps coming to an end Commissioner Füle stressed that it was vital that Georgia remains a pluralistic democracy with effective checks and balances, further strengthening democratic institutions and promoting constructive relations between the ruling coalition and opposition. He also recalled EU´s concerns regarding the "borderisation" activities along the Administrative Boundary Line and repeated EU´s support for Georgia's territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders.