eHealth uitgebreid besproken bij conferentie ICT2013 (en)
From 6 to 8 November, 'ICT2013: Create, Connect, Grow' took place in Vilnius. As one of the biggest events during the Lithuanian Presidency i it brought together more than 5.000 people. Next to launching the Horizon 2020 work program, eHealth was discussed. One of our eHealth projects was awarded by the public for having the best exhibition stand.
At ICT 2013 the latest ICT realities and projects were shown. It was a place for learning, sharing, networking and also inventing new technologies.
Watch the videos to find out what happened these three days here.
Best exhibition stand
Participants could vote for their favourite exhibition stand. They chose the EU-funded eHealth project MD-Paedigree as overall winner.
MD-Paedigree stands for Model-Driven European Paediatric Digital Repository. The project ( brings together relevant (anonymous) information about patients in a Big Data Cloud. The stand displayed a graphical social medical network; an interconnected, dynamic and global map. By interacting with the system with tablets or mobile phones provided on the stand, visitors could identify interesting similarities, visualise treatment outcomes, personalise simulations and display resulting 3D models.
The demonstration was based on anonymised data of about 100.000 patients, extracted from clinical routine systems from across Europe, as made available by participating medical centers.
News article: "Meet the winners - best exhibitors at ICT 2013"
"Smashing silos, building bridges, exploiting synergies"
The session on how we can smash silos, build bridges and exploit synergies in Europe through ICT was opened by Paul Timmers, DG Connect i’s Director for Sustainable and Secure Society.
The Estonian president Toomas Hendrik Ilves, spoke about how we can drive modernisation, protection and competitiveness through digital means such as electronic banking, taxation, cyber security, cloud computing and eHealth.
ePrescriptions in Estonia
President Ilves pointed out that while Estonia was poor 15 years ago, by breaking silos through digitalization they managed to have now more than 90% of their banking transactions online, 98% online tax declarations and people can get their medication without any paper using ePrescriptions.
To get there, he highlighted the importance of breaking silos and to create trust around the usage of digital technologies.
"Sharing data across borders is essential to ensure a free flow of information across the EU, however we need to overcome the big problem of trust", he said.
Read the complete news item here.
Horizon 2020
In Vilnius the funding program for research and innovation Horizon 2020 was officially launched. Two pdf documents "FP7 to Horizon 2020: What's new?" and "A guide to ICT-related activities in the Horizon 2020 Work Program 2014-15" came out of this, you can find them below.
See also: