Aankondiging: persconferentie (13-11-2013, 17:15) na bijeenkomst chefs defensie uit EU-landen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 11 november 2013.

European Union Military Committee

Brussels, 11 November 2013


The Chairman of the EU Military Committee on the meeting of EU Chiefs of Defence

Wednesday, 13 November 2013, 17:15 Justus Lipsius Building, press centre, "Lipsius" Room (level 10)

On Tuesday 12 afternoon and Wednesday 13 November 2013, the EU Military Committee will meet at the level of Chiefs of Defence (CHODs)

This meeting comes ahead of the December 2013 European Council that will address defence and security-related issues. Preparatory work, requested at the December 2012 summit, has also involved the EU Military Committee

The meeting is also a good opportunity for the CHODs to discuss current and possible future military operations. It allows also reviewing recent developments in EU military operations in the Balkans, the Sahel and Horn of Africa, as part of the EU's comprehensive approach to crisis management

The European Union Military Committee (EUMC) is the highest military body set up within the Council. It is composed of the Chiefs of Defence of the Member States, who are regularly represented by their permanent military representatives. The EUMC provides the Political and Security Committee (PSC) with advice and recommendations on all military matters within the EU. General Patrick de Rousiers was appointed Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (EUMC) on 6 November 2012.

For further details: Chairman's EUMC communication office

Captain (Navy) Anne de Mazieux +32 584 53 33 - +32 474 882 917 - anne.de-mazieux(5).ext.eeas.europa.eu Lieutenant Colonel Giovanni Ramunno +32 584 57 49 - +32 475 300 290 - qiovanni.ramunno(5).eeas.europa.eu

EUMC website: http://consilium.europa.eu/eeas/securitv-defence/csdp-structures-and-instruments/eu-militarv-committee-feumc).aspx?lanq=en

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