Culturele participatie in EU neemt af (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 5 november 2013.

Is Europe becoming a less cultural continent? The findings of a new Eurobarometer i survey on cultural access and participation - the first on the topic since 2007 - suggest this may be the case.

Although there are marked differences between Member States, in general fewer Europeans are engaging in cultural activities, as performers or spectators. The decline in participation has affected all cultural activities except cinema. The main reasons cited for not engaging more in culture are lack of time, lack of interest, lack of money, and lack of choice.

The survey showed that over half of Europeans use the internet for cultural purposes, with nearly a third doing so at least once a week. Nearly 27 000 people across the EU were interviewed for the survey. The number of respondents in each country ranged from 500 in smaller Member States up to around 1 500 in the bigger ones.

The Eurobarometer survey on cultural access and participation is published to coincide with the opening of the European Culture Forum at the Brussels Palais des Beaux Arts (4-6 November).

To find out more

Press release

Special Eurobarometer 399 on cultural access and participation, 2013

Information on the European Culture Forum

European Commission: Culture website