Francisco Jiménez-Villarejo verkozen tot vicepresident Eurojust (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees orgaan voor de justitiële samenwerking (Eurojust) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 29 oktober 2013.

​The Hague, 29 October 2013

The Eurojust National Member for Spain, Mr Francisco Jiménez-Villarejo, was today elected Vice-President of Eurojust for a three-year term, replacing Mr Raivo Sepp.

The election took place during a plenary session of the College of Eurojust. According to Article 28(2) of the Eurojust Council Decision, and Article 3(1) of the Rules of Procedure of Eurojust, the result of the election will be submitted to the Council for approval by qualified majority.

Mr Jiménez-Villarejo was appointed National Member for Spain in December 2012. He will assist the President, Michèle Coninsx, in the exercise of her functions.

His career began as a prosecutor in 1990 when he joined the Prosecution Office of Sevilla, Spain. Following promotion to the rank of Senior Prosecutor, Mr Jiménez-Villarejo worked at the General Prosecution Offices of Mallorca and Málaga where he was appointed one of the Delegates of the Special Anticorruption and Organised Crime Special Prosecution Office in 2006.

He was a founding member of the Spanish Prosecutors International Cooperation Network in 2002 and Head of the International Cooperation Service in the Prosecution Office in Málaga. In 2004, he was appointed as a contact point of the European Judicial Network.

Mr Jiménez-Villarejo is often invited to speak at high-level international seminars, and was a professor of Criminal Law at the Universidad de las Islas Baleares and also a Professor of Procedural Law at the Police Academies of Andalucia and Mallorca. He has published many articles and has conducted legal research on international cooperation.

The President of Eurojust, Michèle Coninsx, commented: “Mr Jiménez-Villarejo has shown determination and dedication to the values of Eurojust and I am confident that he will continue the excellent work of his predecessor in a constructive team spirit. I look forward to welcoming him to the Presidency. I would also like to explicitly thank Raivo Sepp for his commitment to the role of Vice-President and his highly appreciated contributions, particularly in the area of management, over the last six years.”

Following his election as Vice-President, Mr Jiménez-Villarejo said: “My election as Vice-President of Eurojust is recognition for the hard work of my entire team. I intend to continue to work towards the goals I set when I first joined Eurojust as National Member in December 2012, namely to foster ties with the Spanish authorities, other Member States and Eurojust in cases of serious cross-border crime. I am truly honoured by this election and the confidence my colleagues placed in me today. It is an historic moment for the consolidation of Eurojust’s role and the development of its potential.”

For more information, please contact:


Ms Leen DE ZUTTER - Press & PR Service

Tel: +31 70 412 5507
