Toekomst van informatietechnologie op gebied van rechtspraak besproken in Vilnius (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 23 oktober 2013.

How could modern information technologies serve to ensure justice for 500 million European Union (EU) citizens? What challenges and opportunities is the e-Justice area facing? The answers to these and other issues related to the e-Justice will be sought during the international conference "Challenges in e-Justice” organized on 24 October in Vilnius.

According to Juozas Bernatonis, Minister of Justice, it should be still admitted that the European Union citizens do not know enough about the e-Justice and that even legal practitioners cannot always easily identify what the e-Justice is. Citizens sometimes do not even know about the possibilities to access the already existing e-Justice tools. Thus, the dissemination of information about them is particularly important.

“Seeking to ensure that the developing solutions would satisfy actual needs of the groups of the interested parties, not only the representatives of legal professions, but also other interested parties, should be involved in further discussions on the e-Justice area,” notes Minister of Justice J. Bernatonis.

The conference consists of three main parts. During the general part the issues generally relevant to the whole sector of the e-Justice and projects implementing in this area (data protection, re-use of information, etc.) will be discussed. In the specific part electronic services facilitating and accelerating the implementation proceedings of justice and the business proceedings will be presented. Having considered the growing movement of people, services and capital in the internal market of the EU and seeking to encourage residents and other participants of the market to make greater use of electronic services, the third part will focus on the issues of the transfer of cross-border registration of the real estate into the cyberspace.

During the Conference the presentations will be made by experts representing the EU institutions, EU-level organisations or projects and the Member States. The Conference partners will also present their services, the latest implemented innovations and future visions. There will be a possibility to try the latest products of the Conference partners in the workplaces of their stands.

Juozas Bernatonis, Minister of Justice, Fernando Paulino Pereira, Chair of the Working Party on e-Law and e-Justice, Head of Unit at the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, as well as the representatives of the EU institutions, Member States, legal professions and other interested organisations will participate in the Conference.

The international conference “Challenges in e-Justice” is organised by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania in cooperation with the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, the Central Mortgage Office and the National Courts Administration.