Bijeenkomst in Vilnius om samenwerking in politionele zaken te verbeteren (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 23 oktober 2013.

On 24-25 October the European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services (hereinafter ENLETS) meeting will take place in Vilnius. Representatives of law enforcement institutions of the EU Member States, the European Commission, European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX), European Police Office (Europol), science and business spheres are going to participate in the meeting. The meeting will be chaired by Artūras Bazys, the deputy head of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau.

The main goal of this expert network is to strengthen the police activities and inter-cooperation, to exchange the information, knowledge and experience in the field of applying modern technology. Organized criminals more often tend to apply the newest technology for their purposes, thus the criminality becomes smarter. The obligation of the law enforcement institutions is to be at least one step ahead of the criminal world in terms of the use of technology and development planning. The importance of foreseeing the technology development was emphasized at the European Police Chiefs Convention in September this year.

The participants of the meeting will discuss the issues of technology use and development in the law enforcement activity, exchange the knowledge and practice on the technological needs of the police, customs, border guard, migration officers, as well as officers of other law enforcement institutions. Special attention will be paid to Council Conclusions on strengthening the internal security authorities' involvement in security-related research and industrial policy. The newest technological achievements and possibilities will also be presented at the meeting.

The Lithuanian representatives will present the prototype of the system identifying the moving person by the eye iris. It is a device that is able to identity a moving person by his or her eye iris from approximately five-meter distance. In order to be identified the person does not even have to stop. This innovation can be effectively employed in the areas requiring special security, for instance at the border check points or business centers. It can be also used in other spheres, seeking to identify a large number of people or identify a particular person in a big crowd.

It is also planned to discuss the financial aspects of ENLETS activity at the meeting in Vilnius.