Informatie over hervorming databescherming EU (en)
The growing globalisation of data flows, via social networks, cloud computing, search engines, location-based services, etc, increases the risk that people can lose control of their own data. On 21 October 2013, Civil Liberties MEPs voted on a major overhaul of current EU data protection rules which aims to put people in control of their personal data, build trust in social media and online shopping and upgrade the protection of data processed by police and judicial authorities.
The new rules will also replace the current patchwork of national laws with a single set of rules, which should make it easier for companies to move across the EU while at the same time strengthening citizens' rights.
The EU's current data protection laws date from 1995, before the Internet came into widespread use, and does not cover data processed for law enforcement purposes. Today, 250 million people use the Internet daily in Europe. The new rules update existing legal principles and apply them to the new online environment, so as to ensure effective protection of the fundamental right to data protection and improve certainty as to the law for companies.
The changes made by the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee to the European Commission proposal constitute Parliament's mandate to start negotiations with the Council on the legislative package. Inter-institutional talks will start as soon as EU countries agree on their own negotiating position. Parliament's aim is to reach an agreement on this major legislative reform before the May 2014 European elections.
Further information
Data protection - Safeguarding your privacy
Civil Liberties Committee - special web site on data protection
European Commission web site on data protection reform
REF. : 20130502BKG07917