Moldavië, Georgië en Armenië gaan deelnemen aan Oostelijk Partnerschap omtrent energie-efficiëntie en milieu (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 22 oktober 2013.

On 21 October during the opening of the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership Fund (E5P) conference in Luxembourg, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius congratulated Moldova, Georgia and Armenia on their decision to join the E5P Fund, of which Ukraine is already a member.

“It is symbolic that operations of the E5P Fund embrace the most important priorities of the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council - the Eastern partnership and energy security. The European Union is seeking to strengthen cooperation with Eastern partnership countries in the energy field. Increasing energy efficiency is also the objective of the Eastern partnership. We hope that the E5P Fund’s initiative will contribute to the implementation of shared objectives,” stated L. Linkevičius.

The Minister thanked the donor countries of the Fund, the financial support of which guarantees the successful implementation of the E5P Fund's projects. Lithuania has allocated an additional EUR 100 thousand assistance to the Fund from the Special Climate Change Programme.

In 2009, according to a Swedish initiative, E5P established the fund, the purpose of which is to stimulate investment projects for energy efficiency in countries of the Eastern partnership. These projects are used to decrease the amount of gases causing the greenhouse effect, to contribute to the creation of a stable environment, to strengthen the economic competitive abilities of partner countries, and to increase energy security and the accessibility of energy resources. E5P began its operation from the implementation of these type of projects in Ukraine.

L. Linkevičius noted that successful operation of the E5P Fund in Ukraine and expansion to other Eastern partners, as well as the integration of new donors, is a significant result in preparation for the Eastern Partnership Summit Meeting, which will take place on 28-29 November in Vilnius.

Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Sweden and Poland, representatives of the Eastern Partnership and EU Members, and leaders of international financial institutions participated in the E5P conference in Luxembourg.