Belangrijkste door Raad Landbouw en Visserij aangenomen maatregelen (en)
Luxembourg, 17 October 2013 (OR. en) PRESSE 422
Main measures of the Common Fisheries Reform adopted by
the Council
The Council adopted today its position on two proposals for regulations on the common fisheries policy (CFP) reform following an early second reading agreement with the European Parliament:
-Proposal for a regulation on the CFP () replacing the basic provisions of the common fisheries (basic regulation);
-Proposal for a regulation on the common organisation of the markets (CMO) in fishery and aquaculture products (), focusing on market policy issues (market regulation);
The European Parliament's Fisheries Committee approved the political agreement on the two proposals on 18 June 2013. Since then, a detailed legaMinguistic review took place. The regulation should be applicable after the final reading in the Plenary of the European Parliament once it has been formally signed and published in the Official Journal
The regulation on basic provisions of the CFP and the market regulation are two of the three texts of the CFP reform "package" together with the proposal on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) which will be discussed later this year between the EU institutions
The main elements of the final compromise text on basic provisions of the CFP are as follows:
•Management of fish stocks including total allowable catches (TACs) & quotas according to the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) following from the scientific advice. This will lead to healthy fish stocks and higher quotas in a lasting manner;
•The discard of fish stocks will no longer be allowed ending the old policy which forced fishermen to waste food by discarding fish at sea. Some flexibility instruments ensuring the applicability of the measure have been included
•Fishermen and other interest groups, as well as national administrations are at the core of developing technical and conservation measures to protect juvenile fish and vulnerable fish species with a completely new regionalised decision making approach
•Biologically sensitive areas with spawning grounds and high populations of juvenile fish should be developed and strengthened
For further details on the key elements see document ()
As regards the market regulation, the compromise text clarifies in particular mandatory consumer information on product marking and labeling . Mandatory information includes now the gear type used in wild capture fisheries and the requirement of a more detailed indication of the catch area. A list of gear types has been established at technical level. The Commission is also requested to report on the way forward concerning EU-eco-labels for fishery products
In addition, the compromise text reforms the role of producer organisations which will have less administrative market intervention mechanism at hand. Focus is now given to their own marketing strategies expressed in their production and marketing plans, and a close involvement in the general policy direction, e.g. concerning discard avoidance