Promotiemateriaal Europese verkiezingen 2014 beschikbaar in downloadcenter (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 16 oktober 2013.

Using EP i communication materials has never been easier: our new download centre is the only online platform where you can find all the electronic materials from the Parliament, from campaigns to events taking place at the EP, logos and the information campaign for next year's elections.

What you can download

The download center will feature all the materials of the elections campaign, Humanifesto and teasers that have already been uploaded.

In addition, the platform will store materials on the various annual campaigns organised by the EP on human rights, gender equality and cultural diversity. This includes for example the Sakharov Prize, the LUX prize, International Women’s Day, Open days, European years and special events such as Croatia joining the EU. In addition you can also download elements of the Parliament's visual identity.

The materials are available in all languages and feature items such as the Parliament's logo, templates and the guidelines for using the logo as well as visuals for campaigns and events, photos and videos, and web products, including banners and electronic signatures.

How to use the download centre

Three simple suffice to make use of the download centre: choose what you want and add them to the basket, enter your email address and submit your order, and finally receive the email with the materials requested.

Quick and easy to use! Download it, enjoy it and spread it

REF. : 20131014STO22258