Verklaring van Van Rompuy na gesprek met Montenegrijnse president (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 14 oktober 2013.


Brussels, 14 October 2013 EUCO


Remarks by President of the European Council

Herman Van Rompuy after his meeting with President of Montenegro Filip Vujanovic

It is a pleasure to welcome President Filip Vujanovic of Montenegro. Today's visit intervenes a couple of days before the presentation of the Commission's 2013 Progress report on Montenegro and other Western Balkans countries. We have therefore devoted an important part of our discussion to evaluate advances and challenges

I congratulated President Vujanovic on Montenegro's overall progress towards EU integration. I welcomed recent achievements, particularly regarding the constitutional reform to strengthen the independence of the judiciary. Indeed, legal security is an indispensable element of a democratic State. It guarantees the rights of citizens and offers security to business transactions, thereby contributing to the promotion of investment and economic development. Consequently, we discussed the usefulness of the forthcoming opening of Chapters 23 and 24, which will help Montenegro further advance in this field

The wide consensus among Montenegro's political parties on European integration and key EU-related reforms is an important and valuable asset. We also discussed therefore the importance of reforming the public administration in order to increase transparency and efficiency. This is essential to ensure citizens' trust and confidence in state institutions

We also spoke about media freedom and agreed that threats and attacks on journalists need to be fully investigated

2013 has been an important year for the EU enlargement process in the Balkans. Croatia became a full member of the European Union on the 1st of July and the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo has placed the European perspectives of Belgrade and Pristina in a new dimension

Montenegro's progress, the unity of its political parties and population in pursuing EU accession and the useful role Montenegro plays in its region will undoubtedly encourage other Balkan countries in their path towards the European Union

Let me conclude by thanking once again President Vujanovic for his visit and for his efforts to advance in the enlargement process. I am convinced that the reforms that Montenegro will carry out will first and foremost benefit its citizens and its society as a whole