Onderwijs minister Litouwen opent Innovatie Top 2013 in Brussel (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 10 oktober 2013.

On 10 October in Brussels Minister of Education and Science Dainius Pavalkis, representing the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council, will open 2013 Innovation Summit. The summit is expected to lay the grounds for a sustained economic recovery, driven by innovation and powered by digital technologies. During the event, high-level representatives of the EU institutions, member states and international businesses, as well as public organizations and media, will discuss a European roadmap for the 21st century as innovation-led and digitally-powered growth. D. Pavalkis, currently chairing the meetings of the EU research ministers, will present key priorities of the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council in the area of innovation and competitiveness.

Minister Pavalkis says: “There is a shared understanding among economists that research and innovation are critical to fuel the growth, competitiveness and job creation that Europe needs. We must learn from the lessons of the crisis and build a more resilient economy, capable of generating deep and lasting competitiveness.”

“Significant efforts should be made especially in transnational cooperation and mutual learning, in developing all aspects of innovation, as well as in fostering better cooperation between business and higher education”, says the Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science.

Minister Pavalkis will also reconfirm the commitment of the Lithuanian Presidency to work efficiently and honestly for the common benefits of the European Union. “Lithuania is nearly in the middle of its Presidency term. It is still too early to summarise the results. It is, however, relevant to underline that we are doing our best in aiming for our general objectives, namely for creation of a credible, growing and open Europe”, says the Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science.

In the weeks leading up to the October European Council dedicated to innovation and the digital economy, the Lisbon Council convenes The 2013 Innovation Summit under the theme A European Roadmap for the 21st Century: The Case for Innovation-Led, Digitally-Powered Growth.

During the summit, attended by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, who will be delivering the keynote address, the Lisbon Council - a Brussels-based think tank engaged with the economic and social challenges of the 21st century - and Nesta - an independent charity that works to increase the innovation capacity of the UK - are planning to circulate an innovation plan for Europe, taking stock of past and present innovation performance and offering recommendations on how to develop framework conditions with greater impact and reach. The 2013 Innovation Summit will analyse how innovation and digital advancement can accelerate the economic recovery and spearhead growth, productivity and entrepreneurship.

On 6-8 November Lithuania, together with the European Commission, will host the ICT 2013 international conference in Vilnius, set to debate the development opportunities for digital technologies and innovation throughout the EU.