Landbouwdeskundigen komen samen voor discussie over onderzoeksuitdagingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 27 september 2013.

September 30 - October 1 in Vilnius a conference „Framing the challenges of European agricultural research - innovation, stakeholder involvement and the supply and production chain“ will be held. The participants will discuss the most important innovation issues and will become familiar with their practical application in Lithuania visiting the Institute of Horticulture in Babtai.

The participants of the conference shall deal with the research and innovation funding policy in national and European level, increasing interest to encourage development of innovations in Europe, role of parties interested in investment for stages of science and innovations, issues related to systems of agriculture and food production and production and supply chains of agricultural food stuffs and its members.

This event is a traditional conference run by EURAGRI (The European Agricultural Research Iniative) on a yearly basis. It involves representatives of directors general of the Commission, ministries of agriculture and science of the Member State, representatives of scientific institutions, various non-governmental organisations, involved in shaping and responsible implementation of development policy of land and food sector, dealing with economic, social and environmental issues and issues of enhanced growth of investment.