Raad Concurrentievermogen bespreekt hoe concurrentiepositie van Europa verbeterd kan worden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 september 2013.

Minister of Economy Evaldas Gustas and Minister of Education and Science Dainius Pavalkis will chair a two-day meeting of the Competitiveness Council i in Brussels on 26-27 September. The EU ministers, responsible for Internal Market, industry and research are going to discuss a range of important issues about how to raise competitiveness of Europe.

Minister of Economy Gustas will chair the meeting of the EU Internal Market and industry ministers on 26 September. The Internal Market and Industry ministers are going to have a policy debate on the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe, exchange views on framework conditions for a competitive industry in Europe and more competitive and efficient defence and security sector as well as discuss the competitiveness aspects of energy and climate policies.

The policy debate on SMEs competitiveness will address the challenges SMEs face in the digital Single Market as well as wider context of functioning of the services markets. There is a need of strong linkage between how the digital Single Market contributes to the SME growth and capacities to innovate and go cross-border. The services market deserves especially great attention as micro-enterprises comprise the vast majority (95%) of service providers.

"Marking the 5th anniversary of the Small Business Act (SMA) provides us with the opportunity to discuss its implementation and deliver possibly new political impulse for the new measures, which could contribute to the improvement of business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe’, - said Gustas.

According to Minister of Economy, the outcome of debate will contribute to the October European Council and will make a positive input while preparing the December Competitiveness Council’s conclusions.

Minister of Education and Science Dainius Pavalkis will chair the meeting of research ministers on 27 September. The EU research ministers will discuss the current progress of the Inovation Union and the European Research Area, as well as the possibilies of it's acceleration. Within this context, a new innovation indicator will be introduced.

„Making progress toward the goals of the Innovation Union aiming to create a more innovation-friendly

environment in Europe, is very important to our future. Ensuring that innovative ideas are turned into products and services that will create growth and jobs would greatly further EU competitiveness" -, says Minister Pavalkis.

The Council will also be presented with the new generation of public and private partnerships that will allow to carry out large-scale and long-term innovation activities under the umbrella of "Horizon 2020", the EU's next research framework programme.