Internationale conferentie over belang van geesteswetenschappen en sociale wetenschappen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 september 2013.

President Dalia Grybauskaitė i opened an international conference "Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities". It is one of the events of Lithuania's Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The participants include about 400 people -individual researchers and representatives of non-governmental organizations, international academic publishers and government institutions from all EU member states.

"The man and society is the source of all and everything. It is therefore social sciences and humanities that allow us to better perceive ourselves and the surrounding environment, help find the answers to existential questions, as well as to understand our expectations and our own place in the world. Contribution by representatives of social sciences and humanities is important to our well-being as their ideas and enthusiasm build a road to a modern and strong Europe," the President said.

According to the President, social sciences and humanities deliver knowledge and experience to address conflicts and achieve peace through negotiations, collaborative work and communication - not by force or arms. Studies in these sciences offer the people and society competences of communication and collaboration, a broad cultural outlook, and a humanistic approach to the world.

68 participants will make presentations on topical issues. The discussion will include key aspects of promoting higher education in Europe and the role social sciences and humanities should play in implementing the strategic framework Horizon 2020.

Horizon 2020 aims to boost scientific development, attract and foster talented people, develop research infrastructure, deal with today's major social challenges, and increase the EU's global competitiveness.

The event will open an opportunity to Lithuania's higher education institutions to establish new contacts with individual researchers and scientific organizations from other countries, as well as to engage more actively in the European science policy process.