Litouwen en Roemenië praten over nauwere samenwerking in de EU (en)
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė i met with the Prime Minister of Romania, Victor Ponta i, who is currently on a visit to Lithuania. The meeting focused on strengthening cooperation in the European Union, energy security and Eastern Partnership issues, as well as bilateral relations. This is the first visit by a Romanian prime minister to Lithuania over the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Among the key topics of discussion was the Vilnius Summit to be held this coming November, during which EU association agreements are expected to be signed with Ukraine and initialed with Moldova and Georgia.
According to the President, the construction of the Romania-Moldova gas pipeline will contribute to Romania's economic integration with the EU. The pipeline will connect Moldova with Romania and the European energy networks creating an alternative to expensive Russian gas. Secure and credible gas supplies will help this Eastern partner ensure energy independence and fend off external pressure more easily.
The meeting also touched upon the Lithuanian EU Presidency's priorities in energy sphere. Romania backs Lithuania's aspirations to complete the EU internal energy market, implement the Third Energy Package, and eliminate energy isolation of some regions. Romania also supports proposals to strengthen the EU external energy policy. Only in reciprocal solidarity and unity when speaking with foreign energy suppliers, will the EU member states be able to ensure the security of energy supplies and lower energy prices to consumers, the President noted.
She voiced her support to Romania's joining the Schengen Area.