EU vrijwilligers initiatief biedt kansen voor 4000 nieuwe vrijwilligers (en)
19/9/2013 - Following two generations of 'pilot volunteers' returning 'back to base', the EU Aid Volunteers initiative is on its way to providing 4000 new opportunities for people to volunteer in humanitarian projects from 2014 to 2020. The EU Aid Volunteers programme will provide practical training and will enable humanitarian organisations, such as VSO and Save the Children among others to take on new volunteers. The initiative, which has been allocated €147 million, aims to develop common European standards on the management of volunteers by humanitarian organisations and is open to a variety of profiles, from newcomers to experienced humanitarian experts.
More than 75 volunteers came back from their deployments to participate in the EU Aid Volunteers conference last Monday, presenting conclusions and lessons learned so the programme can move forward for the next generation of volunteers. More than 200 participants including diplomats from the Member States, Members of the European Parliament and representatives of humanitarian organisations were present to hear from the EU Aid Volunteers directly.
New vacancies to become an EU Aid Volunteer in 2014 will be regularly published through ECHO´s website.
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