Schulz beschouwt vrijlating politieke gevangen als positief signaal van Iran (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 18 september 2013.

Schulz on the release of Sakharov Prize Laureate Nasrin Sotoudeh and other political prisoners in Iran

Commenting on the release of a number of political prisoners in Iran, including Nasrin Sotoudeh, winner of the Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought 2012, the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz i stated:

"I welcome the news of the release of Nasrin Sotoudeh and other political prisoners in Iran.

Nasrin Sotoudeh has been fighting for the respect of individual rights and freedoms and for a more democratic Iran. We are eagerly waiting to welcome her in Strasbourg together with her Sakharov Prize co-winner, film director Jafar Panahi, who is still under house arrest.

I commend this important positive signal by the Iranian authorities, one that the European Parliament and I have been asking for a long time, most recently in my congratulatory letter to the newly elected President Rouhani.'

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