Stuurgroep Cyprus: nieuwe impuls voor proces omtrent nederzettingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 18 september 2013.

European Commission

Press release

Brussels, 18 September 2013

Cyprus Steering Group: new momentum for Cyprus settlement process

On 18 September the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso i chaired a meeting of the Cyprus Steering Group in Brussels. The Group assessed the situation ahead of the expected resumption of settlement talks in October. The Group also reviewed the parameters of the European Commission's provision of technical advice to the negotiation process under UN auspices. The Group expressed full support for UNSG Ban Ki-moon i and his Special Adviser to bring the process to a successful end.

President Barroso stated: "I strongly believe we have a genuine opportunity to solve the Cyprus issue once and for all. I very much expect that fully-fledged negotiations will be re-launched in October and that talks will quickly move into substance. All parties are encouraged to contribute to establishing a positive climate between the communities. I am convinced that the benefits of reunification will outweigh any concessions that will need to be made to this end. It is therefore essential to prepare the public for the necessary compromises and ensure the involvement of civil society. The European Commission stands ready to further strengthen its support for the process, should the two parties request it and UN agree."

The Cyprus Steering Group was established by President Barroso in January 2009 as a means of the European Commission to support the settlement talks and coordinate positions on EU related aspects of a settlement. In this context, in July 2012, President Barroso appointed Mr Pieter Van Nuffel as his personal representative to the UN Good Offices Mission in Cyprus led by Alexander Downer, the Special Advisor to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.


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Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen (+32 2 295 30 70)

Cezary Lewanowicz (+32 2 299 30 50)

Peter Stano (+32 2 295 74 84)