EU en Oostelijk Partnerschap houden conferentie over samenwerking bij wetshandhaving (en)
On 17-19 September 2013, an international conference “Eastern Partnership law enforcement cooperation: way forward” is going to be held in Vilnius. This conference is organized by the Lithuanian police, European Police College (hereafter CEPOL), other states of the European Union (hereafter EU) and Eastern Partnership countries.
This conference is one of the main Lithuanian Presidency events which aim is to enhance closer cooperation among the law enforcement institutions of the EU and Eastern Partnership countries, seeking to ensure bilateral security of all states. At the abovementioned conference special attention will be paid to the issues of fight against organized crime, drugs, cybercrime and smuggling. These topics will be discussed by separate working groups.
The conference is one of the events meant to get prepared for the informal meeting of the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs Council, which will be held on 7-8 October in Strasbourg (Luxembourg). It is planned to grant special attention to cooperation of the EU and Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) in the field of home affairs and inducement of their European integration.
The number of participants (about 100) and great interest expressed by the Eastern Partnership countries prove that the Lithuanian Presidency priority related to enhancing cooperation with the Eastern Partnership countries is important not only to Lithuania, but also to EU as well as Eastern Partnership countries.