Europees vrijwilligerskorps bijeen om de toekomst in kaart te brengen (en)
14/09/2013 - Participants in the pilot projects of EU Aid Volunteers have gathered in Brussels over the weekend to share their experiences, discuss the lessons learned through the pilot phase of the initiative and chart the ways forward to a fully launched corps of EU volunteers in humanitarian aid. Today they will present their findings at the first ever EU Aid Volunteers Symposium.
More than 75 volunteers will come from 22 countries for a weekend seminar followed by the EU Aid Volunteers conference on Monday hosted by the European Commission together with the European Parliament and the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council. Organisations which partnered with the European Commission during the pilot phase of the volunteering programme will also participate. The conference will present the volunteers and their experience to more than 200 participants - diplomats from the EU Presidency and Member States, Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the humanitarian sector and the media.
One year ago, in September 2012, the European Commission proposed a global initiative that will create 25,000 opportunities for volunteers, including more than 4,000 deployments in humanitarian operations worldwide between 2014 and 2020. The conference is an important step forward to reach this goal.
The hashtag for the conference is #EUAidVolunteers. You can follow the event live from 9.30 - 10.15 and 14.30 to 16.30 on Monday through this link:
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