EP deze week: dramatische gebeurtenissen in Egypte en Syrië, Rusland dreigt Oekraïne met handelsbeperking (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 26 augustus 2013.

The summer recess is over and business resumes at the European Parliament this week. The dramatic events in Egypt will be the main topic of a special meeting by the foreign affairs committee on 28 August, which will also deal with increasing tensions in Ukraine-Russia relations. The development committee will vote on the EU's budget for 2014 and discuss the humanitarian situation in Syria. Meanwhile MEPs will also be working in their constituencies.

Following recent dramatic developments in Egypt, the foreign affairs committee has scheduled an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 28 August at 9am CET. MEPs will discuss behind closed doors how the EU should respond.

This special meeting will also assess the political implications of recent threats by Russia that it might restrict trade with Ukraine, should the country sign an association and free-trade agreement with the European Union. This part of the meeting can be followed live on our website.

Members from the development committee will vote 28 August on amendments to the EU's draft budget for 2014. They will also hold a debate on the humanitarian situation in Syria and the Central African Republic and discuss sustainable development and money laundering.

In addition, members of the internal market committee will this week visit Athens to meet Greek authorities, as Greece will assume the presidency of the Council of the EU in the first half of 2014.

REF. : 20130724STO17557

Updated: ( 27-08-2013 - 14:46)