Conferentie 'Motivatie voor taalonderwijs' in Warschau - 24 september 2013 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 augustus 2013.

Conference "Motivation in language education"

On 24th September 2013, the international conference on “Motivation in language education” will be held at the University of Warsaw.

It is organized by the Polish LLP NA Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Representation of the European Commission, EUNIC, Ministry of National Education, University of Warsaw in cooperation with European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) as a part of a series of events organized in Warsaw in order to celebrate the European Day of Languages.

The conference is addressed to experts responsible for shaping language policy, neurolinguists, representatives of education institutions, researchers, teachers, social partners. The conference will provide them with the possibility to discuss the following issues:

  • Foreign language didactics in the field of brain studies
  • Competence motivation in foreign language teaching
  • Motivation to foreign language learning of new learner groups
  • Motivation to learning less widely used languages
  • Development of new methods and tools facilitating foreign language learning and teaching
  • Motivation to foreign language learning and teaching through participation in European education programmes - examples of best practice.

Taking part in the conference is free of charge. The languages of the conference are: English and Polish.

More information at: