Catherine Ashton feliciteert Cambodjaanse bevolking met rustig verlopen verkiezingen (en)
Brussels, 29 July 2013 A
Statement by the Spokesperson of High Representative Catherine Ashton i following the elections in Cambodia
The Spokesperson of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, issued the following statement today:
"The High Representative congratulates the people of Cambodia on the peaceful and calm conduct of the elections on the 28th July. The high level of participation in the election and the mobilisation of the young people during the campaign are encouraging signs for democracy in Cambodia.
The National Elections Committee took a number of steps prior to the elections responding to some recommendations of past EU Election Observation Missions. However, the High Representative regrets that the authorities did not take all necessary actions to address some of the key shortcomings such as improving the reliability of the voter list, ensuring equitable access to media and preventing the use of State resources including campaigning by civil servants and the military.
Taking note of the preliminary results, all parties should now positively contribute to the future of the country and engage constructively to pursue the necessary reforms aimed at further enhancing the democratic process in Cambodia.
The EU hopes that any dispute addressed to the National Election Committee and the established judicial mechanisms will be dealt with fairly and swiftly. The EU appeals to all parties to maintain a peaceful and democratic spirit. "