EU Vervoer en Telecommunicatie attachés brengen bezoek aan Litouwen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 25 juli 2013.

The Port of Klaipėda, Lithuania's main railway and intermodal transport projects as well as achievements in the sector of telecommunications - these are the issues included in the agenda of the trip of European Union Transport and Telecommunications Attachés and representatives of the European Commissions to Lithuania which is taking place on 23-25 July.

During the informal meeting 65 Transport and Telecommunications Attachés were invited to the capital and the port city of Lithuania. The guests visited Klaipėda Seaport and had a guided tour around the port water area. In Vilnius they were familiarised with topical issues in the sectors of railways, intermodal transport and telecommunications.

"As the Presidency of the EU Council we have an opportunity to present our achievements to colleagues of other EU Member States and to establish closer ties with them, which will assist in making progress while dealing with issues important for the whole European Union. In addition, this meeting will help Transport and Telecommunications Attachés to get to know Lithuania as the leader in the field of telecommunications and as a country where the transport sector accounts for more than 12 percent of the gross value added", - said Minister of Transport Rimantas Sinkevičius.

Transport and Telecommunications Attachés are invited to Lithuania from all of the EU countries. Some of those countries - Italy, Hungary, Cyprus, Poland and France - even have delegated as many as three representatives.

Working in their countries’ Permanent Representations in Brussels, Attachés participate in the activities of the EU Council working groups, work in the Committee of Permanent Representatives, and attend other meetings of the EU Council. They also consult with relevant Directorates General of the European Commission and the EU Council as well as Committees of the European Parliament.

Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU normally has 3 Transport and Telecommunications Attachés. Nevertheless, during the Presidency 7 more specialists from the Ministry of Transport and Communications have been appointed as attachés for this sector.