Vaste commissies EuroLat focussen op schaliegas, internationale handel en onderwijs (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 juli 2013.

The Standing Committees of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EUROLAT): the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights, the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs, the Committee on Social Affairs, Youth and Children, Human Exchanges, Education and Culture and the Committee on Sustainable Development, the Environment, Energy Policy, Research, Innovation and Technology are in session in the Seimas. The meetings of political groups and inter-parliamentary groups of the European Parliament and their Latin American counterparts are also held in the Lithuanian Parliament.

Lara Comi i, MEP and Co-chair of the Committee on Sustainable Development, the Environment, Energy Policy, Research, Innovation and Technology, noted that during the Committee meeting much time had been allocated for discussing the extraction of shale gas. According to the Co-chair, this is a rather controversial matter, thus, the adoption of the final solution requires further debate among the Lithuanian Presidency, the European Parliament, the European Commission and responsible institutions in Latin America. Lara Comi also underlined that in the Committee, there had been a general agreement on improving and developing IT technologies and innovation between the EU and Latin America in order to reduce the existing gap.

Jean-Pierre Audy i, MEP and Co-chair of the Committee on Economic, Financial and Commercial Affairs, indicated that the Committee had discussed matters related to trade among the EU and the rest of the world. The Co-chair of the Committee said that the Committee had had a long discussion about the negotiations with the MERCOSUR countries (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Venezuela) concerning trade in raw materials between the EU and Latin America. He also informed that later the Committee planned to focus on food security and economic relations between the Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership EU-LAC and China.

Edite Estrela i, MEP and Co-chair of the Committee on Social Affairs, Youth and Children, Human Exchanges, Education and Culture, congratulated Lithuania on assuming the Presidency of the Council of the EU and wished Lithuania every success. She noted that the meeting of the Committee had discussed the Lithuanian Presidency priorities and focused on education of children. Edite Estrela emphasised that the Committee on Social Affairs, Youth and Children, Human Exchanges, Education and Culture adopted a Resolution on Formal and Informal Education and Continuous Education.

The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly will conclude its session on 18 July 2013.