Voorzitter Litouwen vertegenwoordigt EU op G20-top in Moskou (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 juli 2013.

Global economic growth trends, the long-term financing of investments, fight against tax fraud and evasion - these are the issues to be discussed at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting held in Moscow on 19-20 July. The Lithuanian Presidency (represented by Finance Minister Rimantas Šadžius) together with the European Commission and the European Central Bank will represent the interests of the European Union.

Guidelines for the EU position for the G20 Finance Ministers and Bank Governors’ Meeting in Moscow were approved at the ECOFIN meeting of 9 July chaired by the Lithuanian Finance Minister.

"The G20 meeting is the event of key importance, where the world economy leaders discuss the global problems and search for common solutions. In this Meeting we intend to discuss the issues, that are of relevance not only for the European Union, but also worldwide. Measures that would ensure the long-term sustainable economic growth and more efficient fight against tax fraud and evasion are among the topical issues", Finance Minister Šadžius said.

In a debate on the long-term investment financing opportunities and priorities the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will discuss how to improve the efficiency of public investment and to encourage the private sector to participate more actively. Regarding the fight against tax fraud and evasion issues, the particular attention will be devoted to the work on the development of new uniform global standard of automatic exchange of tax information.

During the visit in Moscow Minister Šadžius will also participate in the Joint G20 Finance and Labour Ministers Meeting, which will focus on the topicalities of the global economic and social policy, in particular, job creation.

The G20 includes 19 members plus the European Union. These countries provide 85 % of global GDP, cover 80 % of world trade and make two thirds of the world population. Countries belonging to the G20 are: France, United States, United Kingdom, China, Germany, Russia, Canada, Italy, the Republic of South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, Turkey, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Australia.