ECHO-experts bezoeken EU-project 'Vredeskinderen' in Ecuador (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-Generaal Europese Civiele Bescherming en Humanitaire Operaties (ECHO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 juli 2013.

18/07/2013 - This week, the European Commission's humanitarian aid and civil protection (ECHO) experts have visited the EU Children of Peace project along on the Ecuador-Colombia border supporting refugee children. Funded by the EU’s Nobel Peace Prize award, around 3 200 kids are benefitting from the actions implemented by ECHO's partner, the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to promote the education of refugee children and their integration within host communities.

Close to 1 000 people cross the border every month from Colombia fleeing the violence. The Government of Ecuador has recognised 55 480 Colombian refugees, of which 23% are children, according to UNHCR Ecuador. For many of them, fleeing also means abandoning their education, and getting back into school in their host country is not always easy, due to economic obstacles, lack of documentation or limited access to educational centres in the areas where they settle. UNHCR is working to promote their integration in the educational system.

ECHO is one of the few global donors with a large presence in the field (with close to 140 international experts deployed around the globe), and its humanitarian experts personally monitor all projects funded with European taxpayers’ money. The visiting delegation in the north of Ecuador included the EU Ambassador to Colombia and Ecuador, Tanya van Gool, who was able to meet refugee families and listen first-hand to their situation and needs.

The EU Children of Peace initiative was launched by the European Union shortly after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. The initiative is funded by the monetary Nobel Prize award and an additional top-up amount by the EU for a total of €2 million. EU Children of Peace is dedicated to help protecting children living in conflict zones and enabling them to continue receiving an education. A total of 28 000 children are benefitting from four projects around the world under this EU initiative. Besides Ecuador and Colombia, the funds have also reached children from Syria, Pakistan, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Related information

EU Children of Peace Ecuador and Colombia Webpage

EU Children of Peace Ecuador and Colombia Factsheet

EU Children of Peace factsheet

UNHCR Website

"Let me tell my story"

Aid in action in Colombia

Aid in action in South America