Programma 'Creatief Europa' ligt op schema (en)
On 17 July, the Representatives of the EU Member States agreed on the compromise text of the Regulation establishing the Creative Europe Programme with a view to finalizing agreement with the European Parliament on this European Commission's proposal
The COREPER (consisting of representatives from the EU Member States) underlined the importance of agreeing the file as soon as possible. This decision will enable the European Commission to continue the preparations for the programme.
The “Creative Europe” Programme (2014-2020) will bring under a single umbrella three currently self-standing programmes that have provided EU support to the cultural and audiovisual sectors: Culture, MEDIA and MEDIA MUNDUS programmes. Joining existing programmes will give more opportunities for projects operators and will facilitate the implementation of the programme.
EU grants are maintained and will be completed with new instruments that will allow SME’s operating in the cultural and creative sectors to have better access to bank loans.
The “Creative Europe” Programme will be EU's main instrument to promote cultural and audiovisual initiatives in the Europe and beyond. Not only will it encourage creativity, it will also have a direct economic impact on growth and job creations.