Eurocommissaris Tajani bespreekt aanbevelingen voor kerntechnologieën (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Ondernemingen en industrie (ENTR) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 17 juli 2013.

Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Antonio Tajani i, participated in the second High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) on the occasion of the presentation of a report with 10 recommendations for the development of these technologies

These recommendations are a significant contribution to the development of the new communication on industrial policy to be unveiled in September 2013 at the Competitiveness Council i. KETs are among the priorities in the re-industrialization strategy launched in October 2012 by the European Commission. KETs have huge potential for growth and will have a strong impact on the competitiveness in many industrial sectors.

At the end of the meeting, Vice President Tajani said: "Our KETs strategy aims to support the industry's efforts in transforming innovative ideas into new products and services. To do this, increasing investments in research is not enough. It is also necessary to redirect funds towards a research which is closer to the market".

Speech of Vice President TAjani:

A European Strategy for KETS