Feiten en cijfers over de relatie tussen de EU en Zuid-Afrika (en)
EU-South Africa relations
South Africa, with approximately 49 million inhabitants, occupies a position of geo-strategic importance in the Southern hemisphere. It is the only African member of the G20 i and the BRICS and was a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2011-2012
The EU-South Africa strategic partnership
A strong relationship has evolved between the European Union and South Africa since the birth of South African democracy in 1994
This relationship is underpinned by the Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement (TDCA) signed in 1999, which provides the legal basis for close relations on trade, development, economic cooperation and political dialogue
The relationship was further consolidated with the establishment of a Strategic Partnership in 2007. The Strategic Partnership has two main pillars: (i) enhanced political dialogue on issues of shared interest like climate change, the global economy, bilateral trade, and peace and security matters and (ii) policy dialogues and sectorial cooperation on a broad range of areas (environment, science & technology, transport, space, etc.)
The previous EU-South Africa Summits were held in Bordeaux in 2008, in Kleinmond, South Africa in 2009, in Brussels in 2010, in Kruger Park in 2011 and again in Brussels in 2012
EU-South Africa Joint Cooperation Council
The EU-South Africa Joint Cooperation Council is the body that oversees the overall implementation of the Trade and Development Cooperation Agreement (TDCA). It meets on an annual basis, in order to take stock of progress in implementing the TDCA and also to discuss the way forward on the wide range of areas where policy dialogues and cooperation have been established in the context of the EU-South Africa strategic partnership. Its next meeting is scheduled in Brussels on 15 October 2013
Development cooperation
The EU is the most important donor by far in South Africa: the EU and its member states provide together approximately 70% of the total cooperation funds, 1.3% of the South African budget, i.e. 0.3% of the GDP. EU development cooperation with South Africa is financed from the EU budget (Development Cooperation Instrument). It has been operational since 1995, and since then annual financial commitments have averaged €125 million
Recent programmes have included major budget support operations in health, primary education and employment creation
For the years 2007-2013, the indicative amount assigned by the EU to co-operation with South Africa is €980 million
For the 2014-2020 period EU development cooperation policy is going to be focused on the poorest countries. Discussions on whether upper middle-income countries in general, and South Africa in particular, should continue to receive development cooperation funds after the end of 2013 continue between the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament. A decision is expected before the end of the year