Milieuministers bijeen in Vilnius om financiering milieuprojecten te bespreken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 15 juli 2013.

The Informal European Union Council of Environment Ministers will be held in Vilnius on the 16-17 of July. EU Environment Ministers together with Ministers and other high officials from Switzerland, Norway, Turkey and former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, as well as representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, the European Environment Agency, the European Environmental Bureau, the European Investment Bank and other institutions will discuss climate change and financing biodiversity issues.

During the first working session, where the Commission will be represented by Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik i, ministers will exchange views on the national opportunities and challenges to financing biodiversity and nature priorities, in the context of Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. In addition, potential promotion of private sector investments in natural capital as well as other biodiversity related expenditures issues will be discussed.

Over the lunch ministers will hold a discussion on the shale gas risk assessment and potential actions at EU level. “No specific legislation for unconventional hydrocarbons resources exploration and exploitation has been prepared at the EU level, but we still must be sure that shale gas development is carried out with proper environmental safeguards in place and under maximum legal clarity and predictability for citizens, operators and competent authorities,” sais the Minister of Environment Valentinas Mazuronis.

Second working session on Wednesday, 17 July, will be devoted to climate change, and EU Climate Actions Commissioner Connie Hedegaard i will attend it. The main focus during this session will be concentrated on EU’s preparation for the Climate Change Conference to be held in Warsaw in November 2013. Vice Chairman of National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China Xie Zhenhua will participate in this session and share information on China’s progress in development of domestic carbon markets.

This Informal Council of EU’s Environment Ministers will be an excellent opportunity to discuss a common EU position before the Climate Change Conference in Warsaw. While presiding for the EU Council, Lithuania will be responsible for preparation of the EU position and will express the European position in one voice.