Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Ashton prijst Kosovo voor politieke moed (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 10 juli 2013.


Pristina, 10 July 2013 A

Remarks by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton i following her meetings with Kosovo leaders

First of all, can I say how delighted I am to be back in Pristina. As you said, Prime Minister, a lot has happened since I was here in March. Most importantly, we have the agreement with Belgrade which is bringing about the beginnings of a real change in people's lives

You should be very proud of the work that has been done. It shows that with the normalisation of relations with Serbia, Kosovo is moving towards its future

I wanted, more than anything, to commend you for the work that you have done and for the leadership that you have shown, as well as the team that works with you for the efforts that have been made. You have shown real political courage and you have shown real vision. Everyone has worked really hard and they have given a lot to take this process forward

All of the Member States of the European Union have really appreciated this and acknowledged that with the decision of the European Council to open the negotiations on an Association and Stabilisation Agreement. It is a really important step in Kosovo's European path

I know that Stefan Füle i who will be responsible for this is coming very soon and has ambition to get this process on the way

But of course we need to carry on the work with the same dedication that has been shown so far. When we met in Brussels earlier this week with you, Mr Prime Minister, and Prime Minister Dacic, it was the 13th time that we have met and we will meet again before the end of July

I think both of you have been clear that your commitment remains as strong as ever to continue working through the summer and to continue with the implementation of the agreement - and the further work that needs to be done. I fear that many people won't have a summer holiday, either here or in Belgrade

You know that the political agreement is being, if you like, 'translated' into the practical action that needs to take place and I really do pay tribute to all the working groups that have spent many days in Brussels working together to translate that properly so that both Belgrade and Pristina know exactly what needs to be done to bring that into effect

We try to be realistic about what needs to happen when so that there is a real sense of achievement and momentum, but I am very satisfied that actually there is a strong will and good progress. And I want to pay tribute to my own team led by Fernando Gentilini who has done a huge amount of work to facilitate all of the discussions on working groups level. There is more to do, but I am very pleased on how it has gone

My interest is to make sure that what is agreed is implemented and I hope that the implementation when it comes for example to the amnesty law will be a demonstration of the commitment not just of the government but of the parliament to the work that we are doing

Let me also say that I am very pleased that you have started the work on your side on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and that that will carry on over the summer

So really, more than anything, I can say two things. One is that it is wonderful to be here, and two to say how absolutely delighted I am that the European Council took this decision. It was well deserved. But more than anything I want to say to you, Mr Prime Minister, it took a lot of courage and vision and you have shown that. As I have said before to you, you are a statesman

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