Presentatie prioriteiten Litouws voorzitterschap in Europese parlementscommissies (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 9 juli 2013.

The following is a summary of the priorities of the Lithuanian Council Presidency outlined to the different parliamentary committees by Lithuanian ministers this week, from 8 to 12 July. This text is going to be updated daily

Industry, Research and Energy Committee

The completion of the EU's internal energy market, strengthening the external dimension of EU energy policy, completing discussions on the draft directive on biofuels, setting the 2030 framework for energy and climate policies and facilitating discussions on the update of the nuclear safety directive are some of the main priorities for the next six months, Jaroslav Neverovič, Lithuanian Minister i of Energy, told the Industry, Research and Energy Committee on 8 July.

In the chair: Evžen Tošenovský (ECR, CZ)

Internal Market Committee

Improving the functioning of the internal market, creating a genuine digital single market, consumer safety and market surveillance will be key priorities for the Lithuanian Presidency i, Evaldas Gustas, Lithuanian Minister of the Economy, told the Internal Market Committee on 8 July. MEPs welcomed the first Lithuanian presidency of the EU Council and supported its commitment to make every effort to enforce the proper implementation of services directive and to strive for a consumer and SME-friendly regulatory environment.

In the chair: Malcolm Harbour (ECR, UK)

Development Committee

Starting and concluding negotiations on the EU Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps, the effectiveness and coherence of EU humanitarian action and the resilience agenda are the priorities of the Lithuanian presidency in the field of development policy, Rolandas Kriščiūnas, Lithuanian Deputy Foreign Minister (responsible for humanitarian aid Policy), told the Development Committee on Tuesday. During the debate, MEPs asked questions about the Lithuanian Presidency i position on topics including the post-2015 agenda for the Millennium Development Goals, the Development Cooperation Instrument, gendercide and donors' coordination.

In the chair: Michèle Striffler i (EPP, FR)

Constitutional Affairs Committee

Ppreparations for the European elections in May 2014, the EU's accession to the European Convention on Human Rights, and the need to make progress on new rules on the statute and funding of European political parties and on committees of inquiry were some of the issues raised by MEPs on the Constitutional Affairs Committee with Vytautas Leškevičius, Lithuanian Deputy Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, on Tuesday. Some Members also mentioned the need to start discussions in the Council on the seat of the European Parliament.

In the chair: Carlo Casini i (EPP, IT)