Litouws voorzitterschap wil doelgericht te werk gaan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 8 juli 2013.

Lithuanian Presidency i of the EU Council will prioritize work in areas of political importance to the entire EU and those where tangible results can be expected, Permanent Representative Raimundas Karoblis said on July 8 in Brussels at the presentation of the Presidency priorities in the CEPS think-tank.

“As the elections to the European Parliament approach we must focus our efforts on those issues where we can expect to deliver results,” ambassador Karoblis said.

The Permanent Representative gave the overview of the broad legislative agenda awaiting the Lithuanian Presidency. He said that in the situation when a single area such as the financial services can have as many as 25 dossiers to be discussed and brought forward, prioritization is essential.

“Despite having a small administration, Lithuania will do its best to achieve results. But they will not depend on the Presidency or the Council alone. Success is the task for all EU institutions. We very much hope that all relevant institutions would assume their share of responsibility,” the ambassador said.

Ambassador Karoblis also discussed other Presidency priorities such as the focus on Eastern Partnership, free trade with strategic partners and enlargement. He underlined that the Lithuanian Presidency i is committed to achieve results on the Schengen accession of Bulgaria and Romania but reminded that the outcome of the Council discussions will depend on the positions of all member states.

The Centre for European Policy Studies is one of major Brussels think-tanks and regularly holds presentations of the priorities of the rotating presidencies. Some 140 participants of the EU member states and institutions, businesses and NGOs as well as media took part in the event moderated by the Chairman of the CEPS Board H. Onno Ruding i.

For more information please contact:

Vykintas Pugačiauskas

Spokesperson in Brussels, COREPER II

+32 24019836

+32 477701528