Video Litouwse minister beweert dat energie de oplossing voor Europese problemen kan zijn (en)

Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 9 juli 2013.

Leading energy journalist Hughes Belin is joined by the Lithuanian Minister of EnergyJaroslav Neverovic to discuss the energy priorities of the Lithuanian presidency i. Neverovic says he is keen to implement the EU’s energy plans in the autumn, when the presidency has several high-level meetings planned on the topic.

Topics discussed in the interview include:

  • Energy as a priority for the presidency
  • Interconnectivity in the Internal Energy Market
  • Integration of the Baltics‘ energy system

Looking at the situation that we have - with declining competiteveness, rising unemployment, challenges in the financial sector - we think that energy should be one of the solutions.”