Agenda EP deze week: PRISM, tabakwetgeving, biobrandstoffen, auteursrechten muziek, subsidies en Litouws voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 8 juli 2013.

Tougher marketing rules for tobacco products will be voted on Wednesday by members of the environment committee. Other highlights of this week's committee business includes music copyright, the launch of an inquiry into the NSA, biofuels subsidies and support for poorer regions. Meanwhile Lithuanian ministers and diplomats will meet committees throughout the week to present their country’s EU Council presidency priorities for the coming six months.

On Wednesday, the environment committee will vote on proposals to cover 75% of cigarette packs with warnings and to ban flavourings such as menthol.

The civil liberties committee will set up a working group on Wednesday, which will be responsible for carrying out an in-depth inquiry into the US's surveillance programme of electronic data.

New music copyright rules to improve the management of societies collecting royalties and encourage the development of online services in the EU will be voted on by the legal affairs committee on Tuesday.

On Thursday the environment committee will vote on rules to ensure EU subsidies are used for innovative biofuels that affect the environment less.

The regional development committee will on Wednesday vote on five reports for a legislative package for the new phase of the EU's cohesion policy starting in 2014. The aim of the new policy to support poorer regions is to ensure that it is targeted on stimulating growth and creating jobs.

On Monday, Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, will discuss the latest economic developments with the economic committee.

On Wednesday, the fisheries committee will vote on a report on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. The rules define the future use of EU subsidies for new fishing boats and sustainable fishing.

On Tuesday, the internal market committee will vote on new rules to make car registration easier and faster when people move to another country within the EU. Difficulties with transferring a vehicle to another member state is one of the 20 problems Europeans complain about the most.

Don't miss the chat to join our Facebook chat on the future of Europe with political group leaders Martin Callanan, a British member of the ECR group, and Rebecca Harms i on Tuesday. The chat will start at 15.00 CET.