8-9 juli informele Raad over Volksgezondheid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 6 juli 2013.

The Informal European Union Council of Health Ministers will be held in Vilnius on the 8-9 of July, and will be devoted to address sustainable healthcare systems, well-being and mental health of older people and the prevention of youth smoking.

"EU member states, acting unanimously, are able to tackle any issue. I have no doubt that we will demonstrate the unity of the EU and member states will come to the decisions, which are awaited by the EU citizens. I encourage everyone not only to monitor the Presidency events, but also to contribute to defining the healthcare policy, "- said the Minister of Health Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis.

The Informal Council of Ministers, while examining modern, accessible and sustainable healthcare systems, will search for solutions how to help healthcare systems to adapt to demographic, economic, technological changes and to justify the expectations of EU citizens.

Issues of older peoples’ physical and mental well-being are permanent: today's young people are the older generation of the future. EU member states are seeking solutions how to ensure proper healthcare for older people at the sight of changing demographic and economic circumstances.

The Informal Council of Ministers will also be focus on smoking prevention. Europe is ready to review the Tobacco Products Directive and make the decisions necessary to reduce the consumption of tobacco products.

The Informal European Union Council of Health Ministers is the first informal Council during the Lithuanian Presidency i of the EU Council. It will be attended by the EU member states as well as by the EU Health and Consumer Affairs Commissioner Tonio Borg i.