EU en buurlanden coördineren aanpak criminaliteit (en)
Lithuanian police is proceeding with the events of the Presidency of the EU Council. On 3 July a two-part meeting of EU law enforcement liaison officers stationed in Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies are going to meet in the premises of the Lithuanian Embassy in Kiev (Ukraine).
The participants of the meeting will present and discuss the status quo of international cooperation among the EU law enforcement agencies and their Eastern Partners (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine), criminal trends and other arising threats.
The general objective of the meeting will be an in-depth discussion on fight against organized crime, trafficking in newly created drugs, cybercrime and smuggling of goods.
The information gathered at the meeting will be rendered to the participants of the international Presidency Conference “Eastern Partnership law enforcement cooperation: way forward” which will take place on 17-19 September in Vilnius, Lithuania. The conclusions drawn at the above mentioned Conference are to be brought to the attention of respective Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs of EU and Eastern Partners at the EU and Eastern Partnership JHA Ministerial Meeting which will be held in October in Luxembourg.
The event is being organized together with the Lithuanian Embassy in Ukraine.