Benoemingen vanwege toetreding Kroatië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 1 juli 2013.


Brussels, 1 July 2013 (OR. en) PRESSE 311

Appointments in the context of Croatia's accession to the EU

The Council today decided on the following appointments in the European Union's institutions in the context of the accession of Croatia:

The Council, having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament and by common accord with the president of the Commission, appointed as a member of the Commission Mr Neven MTMICA for the remainder of the current term of office of the Commission (31 October 2014)

It also adopted

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    a decision appointing the following 9 Croatian members of the Economic and Social Committee, for the period from 1 July 2013 to 20 September 2015: Mr Davor MAJETIC, Ms Dragica MARTINOVIC DZAMONJA, Ms Violeta JELIC, Ms Marija HANZEVACKI, Ms Anica MJTICEVIC-PEZELJ, Mr Vilim RIBIC, Ms Lidija PAVIC-ROGOSIC, Ms Marina SKRABALO, Mr Toni VJDAN;
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    a decision appointing the nine following Croatian members and its alternate members of the Committee of the Regions, for the period from 1 July 2013 to 25 January 2015: Ms Snjezana BUZINEC, Mr Nikola DOBROSLAVIC, Mr Bruno HRANIC, Mr Ivan JAKOVCIC, Mr Danijel MARUSIC, Mr Vojko OBERSNEL, Ms Jelena PAVICIC VUKICEVIC, Mr Predrag STROMAR

The decisions were taken by written procedure

The Council also adopted a decision amending annex III of its rules of procedure in order to include the figure for the total population of Croatia. That amendment is relevant in relation to the calculation of qualified majority within the Council. According to the EU treaties when a decision is to be taken by qualified majority, and if a member of the Council so requests, it must be verified that the member states constituting the qualified majority represent at least 62 % of the total population of the EU. With the accession of Croatia the 62% threshold increases to around 315.01 million out of a total of roughly 508.08 million (). The figure for the population of Croatia is supplied by Eurostat i