Litouws voorzitterschap aan de slag met EU-meerjarenbegroting voor groei (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 juni 2013.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius has welcomed the announcement on the political agreement on the EU multiannual budget for 2014-2020 by the Irish Presidency of the EU Council and the Presidents of the European Parliament and the European Commission.

“This is very important news. Lithuania welcomes the announcement and wishes to thank the Irish Presidency and previous presidencies, the European Parliament and the European Commission for all efforts to reach the agreement. The Lithuanian EU Presidency is ready to continue work towards growing Europe, and the multiannual budget is a key instrument to achieve the goals of growth, youth employment, advance research and innovation,” Minister Linkevičius said.

“Once the agreement is endorsed, Lithuania, taking over the EU Council Presidency on July 1, is ready to work further in the Council and with the European Parliament aiming at timely adoption of all required legal acts that will allow the EU to continue its initiatives from 2014,” Minister Linkevičius added.

After the endorsement of the agreement, the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council will have to work on more than 70 legislative acts to ensure the continuous flow of EU funds in various sectors.