Verklaring Iers voorzitterschap over stand onderhandelingen landbouwhervormingen (en)
Statement from the Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food Simon Coveney
As the final Agriculture Council under the Irish Presidency drew to a close this evening in Luxembourg, Minister Coveney welcomed the progress that had been achieved to date on reform of the Common Agricultural Policy but underlined that finalisation of an agreement had not yet been achieved. Since early Sunday, Minister Coveney has been leading negotiations within and between the Council of EU Agriculture Ministers, the European Commission and the European Parliament as he attempts to put in place a policy which will support an innovative, sustainable agriculture sector into the future.
“Over the last three days much work has been done by all three institutions in trying to agree on a framework for agricultural growth which is progressive, sustainable and forward looking. I am very pleased with how discussions have gone to date and impressed by the degree of flexibility shown by all parties. While it is fair to say that we have reached agreement in principle on a number of issues, we are still some way from an overall political agreement. Tomorrow’s trilogue will be difficult but decisive”
A final trilogue will take place in the European Parliament in Brussels between the Irish Presidency, led by Minister Coveney, the European Parliament and the European Commission on Wednesday 26th June.