Litouws voorzitterschap wil bindende doelstellingen voor klimaatbeleid 2030 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 21 juni 2013.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the EU ambassador Arūnas Vinčiūnas in a keynote speech addressed the participants of the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE) High Level Conference which took place on 19 June at the Brussels Business Club in Brussels, and shared his views on the EU’s energy and climate policy.

Speaking about the climate and energy framework ambassador expressed his strong belief that in addition to setting new binding targets and other policy measures, all stakeholders need to seriously consider ways to implement the new measures and the frameworks for the new policies.

“We need to think about the lessons learned from 2020 framework, not to be afraid to acknowledge the mistakes. That will help us frame our policy and to have a clearer pathway towards 2030”, noted the ambassador.

“Lithuanian Presidency is ready to provide the platform to discuss the future climate and energy policy steps in the Council, in concrete terms, we are willing provide a forum in mid-September to the Commission to present results of its public consultations, which are due to be finalized on the 2nd of July,” - so the representative of the incoming EU Council Presidency.

Another important role of the Lithuanian Presidency in terms of framing climate policy will be the work with the F-gas regulation.

“We see this regulation as a tool for fighting climate change and constituting an important part of the EU climate and energy policy framework. Moreover, the EU policy towards reducing the use of f-gases could facilitate global discussions and appropriate action”, - said Vinčiūnas. “After today’s vote of the ENVI Committee of the European Parliament on this regulation, now, according to the Treaty, it is for the Council to give its word”, - said ambassador.

Lithuania will continue the work started by the Irish Presidency and will focus on the remaining outstanding issues. “We plan to start looking at the EP’s amendments in July to be ready for the negotiations with the EP in autumn. We hope that a common willingness to reduce f-gas emissions and to send clear signals for the industry will help us to find a balanced agreement with the EP on this important piece of legislation,” - so the Deputy Permanent Representative of Lithuania, ambassador A. Vinčiūnas.

The EPEE Conference provided the floor for stakeholders to talk about the world in 2030 in terms of climate and energy policies, EU climate and energy policies and opportunities for the industry.