EU en Ecuador verdiepen samenwerking met start overlegmechanisme (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 25 juni 2013.


Brussels, 25 June 2013 A first meeting of the EU-Ecuador Bilateral Consultation Mechanism

On 21 June 2013 the first meeting of the EU-Ecuador Bilateral Consultation Mechanism was held in Brussels. The Republic of Ecuador was represented by Dr Marco Albuja, Deputy Foreign Minister. Mr Christian Leffler, Managing Director for the Americas at the External Action Service of the European Union, chaired the meeting for the EU

Both parties stressed the importance that the EU-Ecuador Bilateral Consultation Mechanism has for further enhancing and deepening the relations between them, as well as for developing a political agenda which takes into account the right to development and the respect for human rights

The dialogue focused on environment and climate change; and on human rights and governance. It also covered a range of other issues of mutual interest, such as regional integration and other developments in Latin America, recent political and economic developments in the EU and in Ecuador, and bilateral cooperation

Regarding environment and climate change, the parties exchanged views regarding multilateral cooperation in areas such as biodiversity and the follow-up of the Rio+20 Conference, the review of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and preparations for the post-2015 Development Framework; EU cooperation on climate change and on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+); and Ecuadorean initiatives such as the concept of "net avoided emissions", the Yasuni Trust Fund and a possible tax on oil exports to raise funds for the Green Climate Fund ("Daly-Correa Tax"). The EU provided information about its proposal to organise in Quito a conference on sustainable forestry management

Regarding human rights and governance, the parties exchanged views on a range of human rights issues, including freedom of expression and of the media. The EU expressed concern about Ecuador's recently approved Law of Communication. The parties also exchanged views about the Inter-American System of Human Rights. Ecuador expressed concern about migration issues, and reiterated its request that the EU consider the elimination of the visa requirement for Andean citizens to enter the European Union

The EU and Ecuador discussed their fruitful cooperation undertaken to date in Ecuador and the changing nature of the partnership. The parties underlined the importance of cooperation for development, and discussed prospects for future cooperation in the fields of governance and local development, science, technology, innovation, strengthening of human talent, as well as in the area of environmental protection and climate change

The Dialogue permitted a useful exchange of views on issues of mutual concern, and contributed to a greater understanding of the respective interests and positions of the parties. Both sides expressed confidence that the Bilateral Consultation Mechanism would prove a valuable forum for discussing other topics of common interest