Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 21 juni 2013.

President Dalia Grybauskaitė i participated in presentation of the official Lithuanian Presidency i of the EU Council website and answered questions from Lithuanian citizens.

Lithuanian Presidency i website is yet another opportunity for the country's residents as well as Lithuanian and foreign media to find in one place all the information relating to the Presidency. It is essential to provide news quickly, precisely and in comprehensible manner, so that Lithuanian people and all Europeans get knowledge about decisions that are considered and adopted," the President said.

At the event launching the Presidency website, people had an opportunity to directly receive answers to the most relevant questions. The citizens of the country were interested whether the presidency would not put into the shade the solution of the problems that are important for local people, what benefits Lithuania would gain from the presidency, and how Lithuanian people could contribute to it.

Answering the question if the EU Presidency will not distract attention from Lithuania's matters, the President underlined that there was no considerable difference between the problems important for the people of Lithuania and for all European citizens. All the 28 EU member states will have to find solutions and negotiate the multiannual budget in time in order the EU financial support could reach the member states without delay. Priority works include: the economic situation, reduction of youth unemployment, ensuring energy self-dependence, and safe Eastern neighborhood.

Speaking about the benefits of the Presidency, Dalia Grybauskaitė i said that it would open up invaluable opportunities for Lithuania. After nine years of EU membership we can test our capacities and demonstrate that we are not only good members of the European family, but also excellent neighbors. Presidency also means enhancing the country's visibility and awareness. More than 200 various meetings will take place in Lithuania with around 30 thousand participants to attend, therefore the Presidency will contribute to promoting the name of the country and will bring economic benefits.

The President invited the people of Lithuania to be ambassadors of their country, introducing it with pride to Europe and the world. Presidency is a unique opportunity to reveal to Europe everything Lithuania can be proud of - skills and capabilities of our people, beauty and achievements of our state. Let's be open, hospitable, respectful and attentive to our guests that they could get the best impressions about Lithuania.

The website will feature the Presidency's agenda, the calendar of meetings and events, relevant publications, articles and interviews, will provide live streaming from highest-level meetings, and special video clips offering a tour of venues where important meetings will be held in Lithuania.

Information on the official website will be available in four languages - Lithuanian, English, German and French.

The President's engagements during the Lithuanian Presidency, various meetings and events, interviews to foreign media will be posted in a special column on the President's website