Litouws voorzitterschap focust op soepel besluitvormingsproces op milieugebied (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 18 juni 2013.

The EU strategy on adaptation to climate change, the Proposal for a Directive relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, as well as issues related to the Rio+20 follow-up were discussed by ministers in today’s Environment Council meeting in Luxembourg. Since this was the final meeting of the Council of EU Environment Ministers under the Irish Presidency the formal business of the Council was concluded by a presentation on the work programme of the incoming Lithuanian Presidency i.

Lithuanian Minister for Environment Valentinas Mazuronis pointed out that the current Council agenda highlights environmental issues that will require extremely effective dialogue amongst the Member States, and Lithuania will strive to reach sound political results and balanced agreements during its Presidency. “Our main priority is to focus on an effective and smooth legislative process”, - said Minister Mazuronis. During the Presidency, Lithuania will seek for first reading agreement on Access to Genetic Resources and Sharing of Benefits(ABS) and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations, and for the final agreement on LIFE i+ Regulation.

The Presidency faces a very busy international environment agenda for the second half of 2013, particularly on climate change, chemicals, desertification, biodiversity and forestry. Important activities are expected in the Rio+20 implementation and follow up, especially in strengthening United Nations Environment Programme and the environmental dimension of sustainable development, as well as in the Montreal Protocol i MOP and in the Desertification COP. “We are looking forward to actively manage important tasks during these international meetings and ensure that the EU’s international leadership in the protection of the environment is maintained” - stressed Minister Mazuronis.

According to the Lithuanian Minister for Environment, the main focus at the international level will be given to the Climate Change COP in Warsaw. The Presidency will lead in the preparation of the EU position and will coordinate EU participation for the Conference. “The international climate agenda will be among the topics for discussion at the Informal Meeting of Environment and Climate Ministers to be held in Vilnius on 17 of July” announced Minister Mazuronis, whilst warmly inviting ministers from all member states to actively participate in the event.

During one session meeting chaired by the Irish Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr Phil Hogan, Environment Ministers adopted the Council Conclusions on “EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change”. The aim of this strategy is to contribute to a more climate-resilient Europe by enhancing preparedness and the capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change, at local, regional, national and EU levels.

The Council took note of a progress report on the draft directive on indirect land use change (ILUC), amending the fuel quality and renewable energy directives. The member states generally support the aim of tackling the global occurrence of indirect land-use change resulting from the production of biofuels that compete with food and feed, however there are still divergent views concerning ILUC in the Environment Council. Although the ILUC Directive seems to be a very complex file, the Lithuanian Presidency, in its Environment and Energy formations, intends to seek significant progress on it as well as on the Review of the Environment Impact Assessment Directive, ETS Clarification and other dossiers, which are yet to be presented.