Lidstaten keuren EEX goed als Duits opt-out veilingplatform (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Klimaat (CLIMA) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 18 juni 2013.

The EU Climate Change Committee today supported Germany's choice of European Energy Exchange (EEX) as its definitive opt-out auction platform under the Auctioning Regulation.

The Committee backed an amendment to the Regulation to list EEX in its Annex as Germany's definitive auction platform. Germany selected EEX following a procurement procedure and notified the Commission of the detailed provisions on the planned conduct of the auctions. The Commission has found the proposed appointment compatible with the requirements of the Auctioning Regulation and the objectives of the ETS Directive.

EEX already operates as Germany's 'transitional' opt-out platform. Today's approval as Germany's definitive opt-out auction platform means the Auctioning Regulation will apply to its auctions in full. EEX also conducts auctions as the common auction platform.

Based on the experience gained over the past year, the draft Amendment to the Auctioning Regulation also provides for a number of technical changes, e.g. introducing more flexibility regarding the timing of aviation allowance auctions.

The Commission will now submit the draft amendment to the European Parliament and the Council for their scrutiny. Provided that they raise no objections within three months, the Commission will adopt and publish the amendment, after which it will enter into force.

Read more:

Draft amendment [57 KB] Consolidated version [313 KB]

Auction reports

ETS auctioning

EEX auction page

ICE auction page

Auctioning website of the German Emissions Trading Authority

Auctioning website of the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change