Eurocommissaris Füle: Montenegrijnse politiek pakt problemen aan, maar is er nog niet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 18 juni 2013.

European Commission


Brussels, 18 June 2013

Montenegro: need to deal with accumulating domestic challenges

Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle i met with Prime Minister of Montenegro Milo Djukanović in Brussels today.

The main focus of their discussions was the political situation in the country and progress in accession negotiations. Commissioner Füle noted that challenges have been accumulating lately on Montenegro´s political agenda and that the country had started dealing with them. In relation to the accession negotiations, including the screening process, he stated that they were progressing well, but reiterated the importance of maintaining the momentum on the implementation of the necessary reforms.

"I welcome the recent broad political consensus to address issues that had dominated the political agenda in the past months. Concluding this process with a similar consensus would be essential for building the trust in the country's democratic institutions." Commissioner Füle said.

Commissioner Füle noted that it is now essential to proceed with the adoption of the constitutional amendments strengthening the independence and accountability of the judiciary as recommended by the Venice Commission i. He also stressed that Montenegro now needs to strengthen the confidence in its commitment and ability to progress in all issues relating to the area of the rule of law.